
Professional Football Player Contracts and Debt Conflicts

Professional football player’s contacts are the contracts that are executed between professional football players, legal representatives and sports club in compliance with the decrees published by Turkish Football Federation and such contracts are registered to Turkish Football Federation.


Essential Points related to Construction of Pardon

In our country, the problems that arise from the buildings without license and constructed unlawfully were a current issue for many years. Finally the construction of peace has come which was an opportunity to end the dispute between the citizens and the state. Review of applications for the construction of peace (remission for construction) will continue until the date of 31 October 2018. So what is the construction of peace and who can benefit from it?


Leading Case For Individuals Who Own 2b Land

A leading case has just been finalized regarding 2B land type in Istanbul. A businessman has brought a lawsuit who owns a farm on 2B land. Accordingly, 5th Tax Court of Istanbul has ruled that individuals who owns 2B land and paying adequate pay shall be exempted of estate tax Such decision was approved by District Administrative Court of Istanbul.


Amendments in the Regulation for Natural Gas Market License

he license application of corporation and commission has been enlarged by the scope of activity. Besides, in the case of license application research was submitted by corporation to commission is rejected by commission, the written notification should be sent to applier legal entity in 10 days instead of 5 days.

error: Bu içerik korumalıdır.